The Mobius2 math format

Math expressions in Mobius2 are for the most part written using a purely “functional style”. This means that almost every expression evaluates to a value, and there are no side effects. (There are exceptions to this, but they are only used in rare occations).

Like the entire Mobius2 declaration format, the math expressions are whitespace-agnostic, so use of newlines and tabulars are for human readability reasons only.

Types and units

Every expresion has a type, which is either real, integer or boolean. Internally these are represented with 64 bit double-precision floating point numbers or integers respectively. Every state variable is stored as a real, but integers and booleans can be used as a part of the computation.

Mobius2 has automatic up-casting of integers and booleans to reals if they are an argument to an expression that requires a real. There is also down-casting to boolean in some cases.

Every expresson also has a unit. Units can be transformed by the math expressions, for instance if you multiply two expressions, the resulting value has the unit that is the product of the units of the two factors.

See the note on unit errors for some tips about how to deal with them.

The context location

If the math expression is the body of a var or flux declaration, it has a context location.

For a var declaration, the context location is the single location of that state variable.

For a flux declaration, the context location is the source of the flux if it is not out, otherwise it is the target of the flux.

Expression components


A <block> is on the format

	<if-expression or primary-expression>

The block can have 0 or more local var declarations. It always ends with a final expression, and the value of the entire block is the value of this final expression.

Local variables are visible in the same scope and nested scopes, but not in outer scopes.

Every math expression in Mobius2 has one outer block which is the body of some declaration.

Local var declaration

A <local-var-declaration> is of the format

<identifier> := <primary-expression>,

The value of the right hand side is bound to the left hand side identifier, which can be referenced in any expression below it in the same block (including in nested blocks). You will normally not reassign the value of an already declared variable, but a local variable in a nested scope will shadow one in an outer scope if it has the same identifier.

Primary expression

A <primary-expression> is one of the following

  • <literal>
  • <identifier>
  • <block>
  • <binary-operator>
  • <unary-operator>
  • <function-evaluation>
  • <unit-conversion>
  • (<primary-expression>)

If expression

An <if-expression> is something that evaluates to different values depending on some conditions. It is on the format

<primary-expression> if <primary-expression>,
<primary-expression> if <primary-expression>,
<primary-expression> otherwise

There must be at least one line containing an if and one containing an otherwise.

The left <primary-expression> is a value, and the right one is a condition. The first value where the condition is true is the value of the entire <if-expression>. If no condition holds, the value is the one with the otherwise.

The units of all the values must be the same, and this is the unit of the <if-expression> itself.

The conditions must be dimensionless, and are cast to boolean if they are not already boolean.


A <literal> is a number or value placed directly in the code. It is one of the real, integer or boolean token types. Examples


Literals are dimensionless by default, but can be given a unit by following them directly with a unit declaration:

2000[m 2]    # 2000 square meters


An <identifier> is either the identifier of a local variable, the identifier of an entity declared in the outer declaration scope (such as a parameter or constant), a .-separated chain of identifiers forming a location, or a special value.

If you are in an expression with a context location, you can some times use shorthands for the location of a refereced state variable. For instance, if the context location is river.water.oc, and you try to access temp, if temp does not refer to a single value, Mobius2 will first look for river.water.oc.temp, then river.water.temp if the prior does not exist, and finally river.temp.

These have the units and types they are declared with. If a value is indexed over index sets, it will primarily be accessed using the same indexes as the current expression are evaluated with. (This causes expressions to propagate index set dependencies to one another and to put some restrictions on what can be accessed. See separate documentation on distributions.

Note that the value you get when you access a parameter value in the model is the one provided in the data set (corresponding to the current index combination). The default value in the parameter declaration is just a helper for somebody who create a new data set.

When you access the value of a state variable or input series, you get the current value of that variable (this can some times force what order state variables have to be computed in. This will also be separately documented).

You can some times also access a value across a connection using a square bracket [ .. ]. This will be documented later.

Mobius2 also allows you to access some values that say something about the model time (not real time!) of the current evaluation of the expression

Symbol Unit Comment
time.year [year]  
time.month [month] Month of year. January=1
time.day_of_year [day] Starts at 1
time.day_of_month [day] Starts at 1
time.days_this_year [day, year-1] 365 or 366
time.days_this_month [day, month-1]  
time.step * The time step of the model.
time.step_length_in_seconds [s]  
time.fractional_step * If we are in an ODE solver, this is how far along the current time step we are. Always between 0 and 1.

* These have a unit equal to the time step unit of the current model application.

Other special identifiers:

Symbol Comment
no_override This can be used to cancel an @override or @override_conc expression of a var declaration. The compiler must be able to resolve to either no_override or not no_override at compile time, meaning any if branches to these can only rely on constants or constant parameters. (to be documented)
is_at This can be used to determine location in a grid1d connection. Will be documented later.

Enum parameters: Enum parameters are accessed using par_identifier.value_identifier, where value_identifier is one of the declared possible values of this enum parameter. The expression evaluates to true if the parameter has the given value, and false otherwise.

Binary operator

A <binary-operator> is of the form


The precedence of an operator can determine association of the participating expressions if there are multiple operators. For instance, a + b * c is equivalent to a + (b * c) since * has higher precedence than +. You can use parentheses ( .. ) to force association, e.g. (a + b)*c.

Symbol Description Precedence Units
| logical or 1000 * (boolean)
& logical and 2000 * (boolean)
< less than 3000 ** (comparison)
> greater than 3000 ** (comparison)
<= less than or equal 3000 ** (comparison)
>= greater than or equal 3000 ** (comparison)
= equal 3000 ** (comparison)
!= not equal 3000 ** (comparison)
+ plus 4000 *** (arithmetic)
- minus 4000 *** (arithmetic)
* product 5000 *** (arithmetic)
/ real division 6000 *** (arithmetic)
// integer division 6000 *** (arithmetic)
% integer remainder 6000 *** (arithmetic)
^ exponentiation 7000 **** (exponentiation)

* The units of the arguments to a (boolean) operator must be dimensioness (the arguments are cast to boolean type). It produces a dimensionless boolean result.

** The units of the arguments to a (comparison) operator must be of the same unit. It produces a dimensionless boolean result.

*** For the + and - operators the units of the two arguments must be the same, and the result has that unit. For *, / and //, unit arithmetic is applied. That is, the units of the arguments are themselves multiplied or divided with one another to produce the result unit.

**** With exponentiation, the unit of the left hand side is raised to the power of the right hand side if it is possible. It is possible if the left hand side is dimensionless or if it can be determined at compile time that the right hand side is a constant integer or rational number.

Unary operator

A <unary-operator> is of the form


There are only two unary operators

Symbol Description
- minus
! not

Minus preserves the unit of the argument. The not operator always produces a boolean value and must have a dimensionless argument. The argument is cast to boolean.

Function evaluation

A <function-evaluation> is either a regular function evaluation or a special directive.

Regular function evaluation

These are of the form

<function-identifier>(<primary-expression>, .., <primary-expression>)

A function takes 0 or more arguments.

The function identifier identifies either a function declaration that is visible in the parent declaration scope, or an intrinsic function.

If it is a declared function, it can have requirements about the units of the arguments, and the result will have the unit of the expression of the body of the function declaration.

Declared functions are inlined at the site they are evaluated. (This means that you can’t have recursive declared functions for now, this may be implemented later).

Multiple return values

You can make a function return multiple values by returning a tuple. This tuple can then be unpacked into local variables at the call site. For instance, if a function is declared as

very_fun : function(x) {
	tuple(x + 1, x + 2)

You can evaluate it in another math block by binding the result to a ;-separated list of local variable identifiers as follows:

a;b := very_fun(8),
# Equivalent to: a := 8+1, b := 8+2,

Any finite number of return values are supported. Note that this is the only intended use of tuples, they are not supported in other contexts at the moment.

Intrinsic functions

The following intrinsic functions are visible in every function scope. They are implemented either using LLVM intrinsics or LLVM libc.

Signature Description Units
min(a, b) minimum value a and b must have the same unit. Result has that same unit
max(a, b) maximum value Same as min
copysign(a, b) magnitude of a with sign of b Result has the unit of a
sqrt(a) square root Result unit is the square root of the unit of a if possible
cbrt(a) cube root Result unit is the cube root of the unit of a if possible
abs(a) absolute value Preserves unit
floor(a) round down to closest integer Preserves unit
ceil(a) round up to closest integer Preserves unit
is_finite(a) true if a is finite and not nan, false otherwise a has any unit, result is dimensionless
exp(a) Euler number to the power of a a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
pow2(a) 2 to the power of a a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
ln(a) natural logarithm a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
log10(a) base-10 logarithm a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
log2(a) base-2 logarithm a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
cos(a) cosine a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
sin(a) sine a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
tan(a) tangent a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
acos(a) inverse cosine a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
asin(a) inverse sine a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
atan(a) inverse tangent a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
cosh(a) hyperbolic cosine a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
sinh(a) hyperbolic sine a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless
tanh(a) hyperbolic tangent a must be dimensionless, result is dimensionless

More intrinsics could be added if they are needed.

Special directives

Special directives allow you to reference a separate value related to a state variable var.

Signature Description Unit
last(var) The previous time step value of the state variable var Same as var
in_flux(var) Sum of all fluxes that have var as a target excluding fluxes along connections The unit of var divided by the model time step unit
in_flux(con, var) Sum of all fluxes that have var as a target along the connection con As above
out_flux(var) Sum of all fluxes that have var as a source excluding fluxes along connections As above
out_flux(con, var) Sum of all fluxes that have var as a source along the connection con As above
conc(var) The concentration of var. Only available if var is dissolved. Either the declared concentration unit of var, or (if none was declared) the unit of var divided by the unit of the quantity it is dissolved in.
aggregate(var) This refers to a (possibly weighted) sum of this variable over index sets that the context location does not index over.  

If var is on a solver, last(var) will still reference the end-of-timestep value from the last model sampling step (not solver step).

You can use aggregate(var) if var indexes over a higher number of index sets than the context location of the code you are in. In that case, it will sum the var over the excess index sets, applying an aggregation_weight if one exists between the compartment of var and the compartment of the current context location.

Unit conversion

There are four unit conversion operators with the following syntax

<primary-expression> -> <unit-declaration>
<primary-expression> ->>
<primary-expression> => <unit-declaration>
<primary-expression> =>>

where a <unit-declaration> follows the unit declaration format.

Operator Description
-> Convert the lhs to the rhs unit by multiplying with a conversion factor if one exists (otherwise there is an error). The unit conversion factor exists if the units have the same SI dimensions when reduced to standard form.
->> Same as -> but converts the lhs to the unit of the state variable declaration that the outer function body is attached to (if it is attached to one, otherwise this raises an error).
=> Discards the unit of the lhs and replaces it with the rhs unit, keeping the same underlying numerical value.
=>> Same as =>, but replaces the unit with the unit of the state variable of the outer function body similarly to ->>.

To do the unit conversion, Mobius2 will during compilation generate a multiplication with a conversion factor (if it exists, otherwise it reports an error). For instance,

10[day] -> [s]
# translates to
10[day]*86400[s, day-1] # = 864000[s]

There is one exception, where converting between [deg_c] and [K] instead causes an addition or subtraction

25[deg_c] -> [K]
# translates to
(25 + 273.15) => [K] # = 298.15[K]

If a unit conversion appears in conjunction with binary operators, the unit conversion acts as if it has precedence 4500. For instance

a + b*c -> unit
# is equivalent to
a + ((b*c) -> unit)

Note on unit errors

Usually if you get an error with units it means you forgot a unit conversion somewhere, but these errors can some times be problematic.

For instance, if you are dealing with empirical formulas that come e.g. from regression fits, the unit of the expression may not make sense in terms of the units of the arguments. In this case we recommend that you force convert the units of the arguments to dimensionless, do the computation, then force convert the result back to the unit you need it to be in. Example:

mean_barometric_pressure : function(elevation : [m]) {
	elev := elevation => [],                            # Force the unit of the argument to dimensionless
	(101.3 - (0.01152 - 0.544e-6*elev)*elev) => [k Pa]  # Force the unit of the result to kilo-Pascals.

Imperative constructs

If necessary, there are some imperative programming constructs you can use. We recommend that you use this only if you have to compute an iterative solution to something.

A <block> can be given an optional iteration tag by writing

<identifier> : <block>

If you within that or a nested block reach an iterate <identifier> statement, the function evaluation skips back to the start of the block with that tag.

You can also update the value of a local variable using the syntax

<identifier> <- <primary-expression>

where the identifier is that of the local variable. We recommend that you use this only when you need to because code is easier to read and the compiler can make better optimizations when variables are immutable.

As an example, the below expression uses Newton’s method to compute an approximation of the solution to the equation

\[\sin(x)+e^x = 0\]
solve_equation : function(eps, x0) {
	x   := x0,
		xi := x - (sin(x)+exp(x))/(cos(x)+exp(x)),
		xi                    if abs(x - xi) < eps,
		{ x <- xi, iterate i} otherwise

© Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning (The Norwegian Institute for Water Research), NIVA 2024.